Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Best Treatment for Acne

Acne is a very broad term used to describe pimples, blemishes, whiteheads and blackheads. Although acne is more common amongst teenagers it can distress any individual irrespective of age.
Hormonal imbalances and the build-up of toxins are factors that contribute to this frustrating condition. Your body tries to rid itself of all these toxins through the skin and this can result in pimples. To heal the external symptoms you first need to cleanse internally. How to get rid of pimples fast through your diet: Finally remove ANY vegetable oil from your daily meals (this is very important). Avoid junk food. Stay away from refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and sugar. Eat foods that are high in fiber to remove toxins. Eat vegetable, fruits and nuts. Drink plenty of water.
It's not easy to wake up every morning and see pimples on your face. Appearance is very significant in today's society and having a skin full of zits can guide to a low self-esteem. Auspiciously, there are many solutions you can apply to treat this condition. You don't have to visit the dermatologist. You don't have to pay for costly drugs and endure the side-effects of antibiotics.
There are many effective homemade remedies that can help you fight pimples. For example applying an ice-pack over a zit can reduce the swelling and the redness. Also tea tree oil, tomato pulp, gingers and salted water can be very effective. Be sure to shampoo your hair frequently enough to make sure the oil produced from your hair is not adding to the clogging of your pores. Wash your face gently with a natural soap designed for acne. Rub garlic cloves over the acne and let it sit overnight. Wash your face using an avocado paste that's been mixed with water. Wash your face with soap and water, then take a cotton ball that's been soaked in lemon water and apply it to your face. Every morning wash your face using a cotton ball soaked in vinegar. Separate the whites of an egg from the yolk. Next take cotton ball and dip it into the egg whites and apply to your face. Let it sit for a few hours before washing it off. Lavender is said to help with acne inflammation. Juice a cucumber and apply the juice to the acne using a cotton ball. Use toothpaste on the acne. Do not apply it to your entire face, since toothpaste will dry your skin out. Instead, apply it only to the acne spot.
Avoid wearing makeup as much as possible. Although this is very difficult to do when you are hoping to cover the acne up with makeup it may be making the acne worse in the long run. Avoid stress if at all possible. Stress can be a contributing factor in many things but definitely in acne. Above all else avoid any squeezing of the acne spots. Doing so will only cause more inflammation and possible infection of the area.
Don't get down if you have tried treatments in the past that weren't effective! You will get rid of your acne once you obtain the best treatment for you.

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